15 activités à faire avec un bébé de 0 à 12 mois

15 activities to do with baby 0 to 12 months old

1- Concert of pans

2- Feet in the sand

3- Invent stories on your fingertips

4- Gentle massage

5- Dance with baby

6- Differences in temperature

7- Cardboard textures

8- Singing for baby

9- Roll on the floor

10- Make soap bubbles

11- Words of love

12- Playing at the hiding place

13- Playing blocks

14- Go to the pet shop

15- Twisting sponges

Source: https://www.mamanpourlavie.com/bebe/0-12-mois/eveil/activites-avec-bebe/15311-15-activites-a-faire-avec-un-bebe.thtml?page=15 


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