Have you ever tried babywearing? Do you know that it's possible to do it even in winter? Of course, with the right equipment, you will be able to go out to get fresh air, and all in comfort for baby!
Think of the acronym SAFETY to be certain to be able to go out carrying baby safely!
S: SKIN: Protect the baby's skin before going out to prevent the cold from drying out his sensitive skin. So moisturizing cream on the cheeks and balm on the lips.
A: ASPHYXIA: Make sure the baby's airways are clear. It is therefore not recommended to bundle baby up to the eyebrows, it is better to see his naries at all times.
F: FALL: To avoid making a nasty fall with baby in the baby carrier, do not hesitate to wear solid boots and even soft cleats below them in order to have the best grip possible . Also, when it comes time to install baby in his baby carrier, be careful because the contact of two coats together, it slips!
E: ERGONOMICS: Prefer an ergonomic baby carrier will certainly be a better choice. You will be more comfortable and baby will be more comfortable. It offers optimal support to the wearer and respects the physiology of the baby.
T: TEMPERATURE: To help baby to self-regulate its temperature, it is recommended to wear baby directly against us, and thus to opt more for a coat extension or adapted coats. If you prefer to wear baby outside your coat, make sure to protect its extremities. A handy tool for winter babywearing, windproof and waterproof, is the 1, 2, 3 Go! - Carrier of Sherpa. A multifunctional carrying cover!
Y: Yes! You are ready to go!
Enjoy your babywearing!